NO.104 Software Engineering and Networked Control for Smart Cyber Physical Systems (SENCPS)
August 21 - 24, 2017 (Check-in: August 20, 2017 )
- Hausi Muller
- University of Victoria, Canada
- Fuyuki Ishikawa
- National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Marin Litoiu
- York University, Canada
Cyber physical systems (CPS) are distributed, software‐intensive systems that control tightly integrated and networked computational and physical components. CPS technologies are becoming the key enablers for how we control and build smarter, context‐aware and situation‐aware systems, such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities and buildings, renewable energy systems, elderly healthcare, resource management, and food supply chains. The societal impact of CPS and its associated industrial revolution is enormous.
Advances in the interconnected capabilities of CPS affect virtually every engineered system. The technologies emerging from combining the cyber and physical worlds will provide an innovation and incubation engine for a broad range of industries—creating entirely new markets and platforms for years to come. CPS are advanced technology systems that require knowledge and training for their development and operation. A skilled workforce to support future CPS is a challenge in its own right and of strategic importance.
There are many challenges that must be addressed to be able to harvest CPS’s rich economic opportunities [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different fields to address these challenges. The research topics we propose to discuss include, but are not limited to, control and systems science for CPS [10][11][12][13], models and co‐design for CPS [14][15][16], models at runtime for CPS [17][18][19], networked control for CPS [20][21][22][23][24][25], integrating discrete and continuous control for CPS [26], continuous assurance for CPS [27][28][29], software frameworks and platforms for CPS. The proposed attached invitee list brings together researchers from the following research communities: software engineering, cyber physical systems, adaptive systems [30], Internetware [31][32], networked control, and Internet of Things [33][34][35]. These researchers will bring together different perspectives on methods, techniques, technologies, and applications from their respective fields. By working collaboratively at beautiful Shonan Village, software engineering, adaptive systems, Internetware and networked control researchers ought to generate significant synergy for cyber physical systems research.
Keywords. Cyber physical systems (CPS), Internetware, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, smart, contextaware and situation‐aware systems, models for CPS, composition, abstractions and integration of CPS systems, continuous assurance, models at runtime, networked control, integration and co‐design of discrete and continuous control, uncertainty, feedback loops, software engineering, software evolution.
[1] New Reports Define Strategic Vision, Propose R&D Priorities for Future Cyber‐Physical Systems, NIST Tech Beat: Feb. 2013.‐020613.cfm
[2] Janos Sztipanovits, Susan Ying, et al.: Foundations for Innovation: Strategic R&D Opportunities for the 21th Century Cyber‐Physical Systems, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 32 pages, Jan. 2013.‐Cyber‐Physical‐Systems020113_final.pdf
[3] Janos Sztipanovits, Susan Ying, et al.: Foundations for Innovation in Cyber‐Physical Systems, Jan. 2013.‐WorkshopReport‐1‐30‐13‐Final.pdf
[4] NIST Cyber‐Physical Systems Program: [5] NSF Cyber‐Physical Systems Program:
[6] EU Horizon 2020 Cyber‐Physical Systems Program:‐physical‐systems‐european‐ri‐strategy
[7] EU: Cyber‐Physical Systems: Uplifting Europe’s Innovation Capacity, 32 pages, Dec. 2013.
[8] EU CPSoS: Core Research and Innovation Areas in Cyber Physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS), 18 pages, Nov. 2014. Proposal Submission Form September 15, 2016 (Revised) NII Shonan Meeting
[9] The Digital Agenda in the Europe 2020 Strategy: Cyber‐Physical Systems: Uplifting Europe’s Innovation Capacity‐agenda/en/
[10] Hycon2: Systems and Control—Recommendations for a European Research Agenda towards Horizon 2020, Position Paper in FP8, 30 pages, Sep. 2011.
[11] R. Alur: Principles of Cyber‐Physical Systems, MIT Press, April 2015.
[12] D. Rawat, J. Rodrigues, I. Stojmenovic: Cyber‐Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice, CRC Press, Oct. 2015.
[13] I. Stojmenovic: Machine‐to‐machine communications with in‐network data aggregation, processing, and actuation for large‐scale cyber‐physical systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 1(2):122–128, Apr. 2014.
[14] E.A. Lee: The past, present and future of cyber‐physical systems: A focus on models, Sensors 15(3), 4837–4869, 2015.
[15] E.A. Lee: Computing needs time, Communications of the ACM 52(5):70–79, 2009.
[16] J. Jensen, D. Chang, E. Lee: A model‐based design methodology for cyber‐physical systems, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conf. (IWCMC), pp. 1666–1671, Jul. 2011.
[17] N. Bencomo et al. (Eds.): Models@run.time: Foundations, Applications, and Roadmaps, LNCS 8378, Springer, 2014.
[18] D. Ardagna, L. Zhang (Eds.): Run‐time Models for Self‐managing Systems and Applications, Birkhäuser, 186 pages, 2010.
[19] M. Szvetits, U. Zdun: Systematic literature review of the objectives, techniques, kinds, and architectures of models at runtime, Software & Systems Modeling, pp. 1–39, 2013.
[20] D. Hristu‐Varsakelis, W. Levine (Ed.): Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems, 2005.
[21] L.M. Camarinha‐Matos, H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.): Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments—Proceedings 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conf. on Virtual Enterprises, Oct. 2014.
[22] R.M. Murray et al.: Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems, 102 pages, SIAM Journals, Jun. 2003.
[23] J. Hellerstein et al.: Feedback Control of Computing Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
[24] P.K. Janert: Feedback Control for Computer Systems, O’Reilly, 336 pages, Nov. 2013.
[25] J. Kephart, D. Chess: The vision of autonomic computing. IEEE Computer 36(1):41–50, 2003.
[26] D.C. Tarraf: Control of Cyber‐Physical Systems, Springer, LNCS 449, March 2013.
[27] B.H.C. Cheng, K.I. Eder, M. Gogolla, L. Grunske, M. Litoiu, H.M. Müller, P. Pelliccione, A. Perini, N.A. Qureshi, B. Rumpe, D. Schneider, F. Trollmann, N.M. Villegas: Using Models at Runtime to Address Assurance for Self‐Adaptive Systems. In: Models@run.time, Springer, LNCS 8378: 101‐136, 2014.
[28] X. Zheng, C. Julien: Verification and validation in cyber physical systems: Research challenges and a way forward, ACM/IEEE 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber‐Physical Systems (SEsCPS), pp. 15–18, 2015.
[29] M. Zhang, B. Selic, S. Ali, T. Yue, O. Okariz, R. Norgren: Understanding Uncertainty in Cyber‐Physical Systems: A Conceptual Model, Simula Techical Report, 2015‐3, Feb. 2016.
[30] SEAMS: ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self‐Managing Systems, 2006‐2017.
[31] H. Mei, G. Huang, T. Xie: Internetware: A Software Paradigm for Internet Computing. IEEE Computer 45(6):26–31, Jun. 2012.
[32] A. Bertolino, B. Blake, P Mehra, H. Mei, T. Xie: Software Engineering for Internet Computing Internetware and Beyond, IEEE Software 32(1):35‐37, Jan. 2015. Proposal Submission Form September 15, 2016 (Revised) NII Shonan Meeting
[33] O. Vermesan, P. Friess (Eds.): Internet of Things—Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems, River Publishers, 364 pages, 2013.
[34] P.C. Evans and M. Annunziata: Industrial Internet: Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and Machines, GE Technical Report, 37 pages, Nov. 2012.
[35] J. Bruner: Industrial Internet: The Machines are Talking, O’Reilly, 50 pages, 2013.