NO.006 Hybrid Quantum Devices
November 6 - 9, 2011 (Check-in: November 5, 2011 )
- Gerard Milburn
- University of Queensland, Australia
- Jörg Schmiedmayer
- TU-Wien(Vienna University of Technology), Austria
- Yasuhiro Tokura
- NTT, Japan
- Kae Nemoto
- National Institute of Informatics, Japan

The saminr is co-organized with NTT Basic Research Laboratories.

In recent years techniques for quantum control have dramatically improved
and resulted in a number of demonstrations in different physical systems at
the few qubit level. Based on these new developments, many proposals to
implement quantum devices have been mushrooming both in number and
variety. At this stage of quantum information device research, it is essential
to make sure the fundamental quantum control has its future as a practical
device for the future technologies. The implementation of quantum devices,
however, is usually not carefully designed as a fundamental device for larger
scale quantum information processing and could potentially limit the
scalability of the system. Recent theoretical analysis shows that hybrid and
distributed quantum devices exhibit better scalability and so are promising
for scalable architectures in large-scale quantum information systems. In
this workshop, we focus on such hybrid and distributed devices bringing
such state of the art quantum information systems together. In particular,
devices from optics to microwave will be extensively investigated. We will
focus on current problems, future directions and what can be achieved in the
next few years.