No.001 Graph Algorithm and Combinatorial Optimization


Shonan Meeting Seminar 001


Workshop Schedule (as of? Feb. 4)

All lectures will take place at Research Wing room #208 (or #209).

For free discussion time,? Research Wing rooms (#202,#207,#208,#209) are available.

In addition to these rooms,? Exhibition Room is available for night free time (Wine and soft drink are available).

Sunday (2/13)

12:00–???? : Checkin

18:00–21:00: Welcome??Reception (Azalea and Camellia)

Monday (2/14)

7:30–9:00: Breakfast (Cafeteria “Oak”)

9:00-9:05:? Welcome Remarks

9:05–10:30:? 5 minutes announcements

10:30–10:45: Coffee Break

10:45–12:20: 5 minutes announcements

12:20–12:30: Group Photo Shooting

12:30–13:30: Lunch??(Cafeteria “Oak”)

13:30–16:30: Free discussion time (Coffee is available)

16:30–17:00: Mohit Singh, A Randomized Rounding Approach for
Symmetric TSP

17:00–17:30: Gyula Pap, Weighted disjoint paths

17:30–18:00: Hiroshi Hirai, Tree metrics and edge-disjoint S-paths

18:00–18:30:? Gautier Stauffer, An algorithmic decomposition of
claw-free graphs leading to an O(n^3)-algorithm for the weighted
stable set problem

18:30–19:30: Dinner(Cafeteria “Oak”)

19:30–??????????? : Free time (Wine and soft drink are available)

Tuesday (2/15)

7:30–9:00: Breakfast (Cafeteria “Oak”)

9:00–10:00: Open Problems session

10:00–10:15:? Coffee Break

10:15–10:45:? R. Ravi, Approximation Algorithms for Correlated
Knaspacks and Non-Martingale Bandits

10:45–11:15: Akiyoshi Shioura, Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme
for Maximizing Gross Substitutes Utility under Budget Constraints

11:15–11:30: Coffee Break

11:30–12:00: Tom McCormick, Combinatorial Algorithms for TDI systems

12:00–12:30: Takuro Fukunaga, Submodular system partition problem

12:30–13:30: Lunch(Cafeteria “Oak”)

13:30–16:30: Free discussion time(Coffee is available)

16:30–17:00:? Mohammad Hajiaghayi, Prize-collecting Clustering and
Algorithmic Applications

17:00–17:30: Philip Klein, A polynomial-time approximation scheme
for planar multiterminal cut

17:30–18:00: Christian Sommer, Exact and Approximate Shortest-Path
Queries for Planar Graphs

18:00–18:30: Christian Wulff-Nilsen, Separators in Minor-free
Graphs with Applications

18:30–19:30: Dinner(Cafeteria “Oak”)

19:30–??????????? : Free time (Wine and soft drink are available)

Wednesday (2/16)

7:30–9:00: Breakfast (Cafeteria “Oak”)

9:00–9:30:? Lap Chi Lau, Computing graph connectivity by network

9:30–10:00:? Zoltan Kiraly, Multi-Layered Video Streaming with
Network Coding

10:00–10:30:? Andras Sebo, Collapse of the VPN Pyramid

10:30–10:45: Coffee Break

10:45–11:15:? Naonori Kakimura, Robust Independence Systems

11:15–11:45:? Zoltan Szigeti, An Excluded Minor Characterization of
Seymour Graphs

11:45–12:15:? Sang-il Oum, Rank-width and well-quasi-ordering of
skew-symmetric or symmetric matrices

12:15–13:15:? Lunch(Cafeteria “Oak”)

13:15– Excursion to Kamakura.

18:00–20:00: Banquet?at Kamakura.

21:00 –??? 😕 back to the Shonan Village and free time(Wine and soft drink are available)

Thursday (2/17)

7:30–9:00: Breakfast (Cafeteria “Oak”)

9:00–9:30: Open Problems and Progress session

9:30–10:00:? Tibor Jordan, Highly connected rigidity matroids have
unique underlying graphs

10:00–10:30: Shin-ichi Tanigawa, Generic Rigidity Matroids and the
Dilworth Truncation

10:30–10:45: Coffee Break

10:45–11:15: Petr Hlineny, A Tighter Insertion-based Approximation
of the Crossing Number

11:15–11:45: Zdenek Dvovak, Properties of sparse graphs

11:45–12:15:? Kenta Ozeki, Spanning closed walks in 3-connected
plane graphs

12:15–13:30: Lunch(Cafeteria “Oak”)

13:30–16:30: Free discussion time(Coffee is available)

16:30–17:00:? Kenjiro Takazawa, Optimal matching forests and
valuated delta-matroids

17:00–17:30: Yusuke Kobayashi, Breaking O(n^{1/2})-approximation
algorithms for the edge-disjoint paths problem with congestion two

17:30–18:00: Laszlo Vegh, Connectivity augmentation and matching

18:00–19:30: Dinner(Cafeteria “Oak”)

19:30–??????????? : Free time (Wine and soft drink are available)

Workshop end.

Friday (2/18)

7:30–9:00: Breakfast (Cafeteria “Oak”)

10:00: Checkout time

9:00– 12:00: Free discussion time (Some rooms are available)