No.110 The 2nd Controlled Adaptation of Self-adaptive Systems (CASaS2017)


NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 110

Seminar Reports

In the 2nd CASaS, we discussed about two topics : “cooperation and coordination” and “properties”. We were divided into two groups, discussed about the topics, and wrote reports about the discussion.

Group 1: Automating coordination/switching between controllers

Martina Maggio, Nir Piterman, Joel Greenyer, Alberto Leva, Alan Colman, Amel Bennaceur, Paul Harvey, Lukas Esterle, Patrizio Pelliccione, Romina Spalazzese, Nicolas D’Ippolito, David Garlan

report (pdf)

Group 2: Bridging the Gap between Control and Self- Adaptive System Properties: Identification, Characteriza- tion, and Mapping

Javier Camara, David Garlan, Shihong Huang, Masako Kishida, Alberto Leva, Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos, Yasuyuki Tahara, Kenji Tei, Thomas Vogel, Danny Weyns

report (pdf)

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