No.104 Software Engineering and Networked Control for Smart Cyber Physical Systems (SENCPS)


NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 104



Dear SENCPS 2017 Participants,

Thank you very much for accepting our invitation to participate in the Shonan Meeting No. 104 entitled Software Engineering and Networked Control for Smart Cyber Physical Systems (SENCPS 2017), August 20-24 in beautiful Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

In collaboration with Shonan staff, we developed a comprehensive website for SENCPS 2017, which can be found at

At this point we kindly ask you to submit—ideally by July 10, 2017—a title, a short abstract and a short bio for your presentation to The abstract will be posted as soon as we receive them on this website: As you can glean from the preliminary program at, the presentation slots are basically 30 mins. Please endeavour to stimulate discussion with your talk and allow for plenty of discussion—10 or 15 minutes for a 30 mins slots. The SENCPS topic of the Shonan meeting is broad: and involves concepts from software engineering, control systems, feedback loops, models at runtime, adaptive systems in the quest to engineer cyber physical systems, Internet of Things and digital ecosystems.

Ideas for your presentations include highlighting a stellar result, conducting a demo, or orchestrating a highly interactive discussion with the entire audience. If you prefer not to give a talk please let us know. Research groups are encouraged to be creative and present together. An integrated group performance involving different people could concentrate on different aspects of their overall research program. For example, the first presenter outlines the entire research program, the second presenter highlight the major results of the group, the third presenter discusses applications and case studies, and the fourth presenter details on ongoing and future research.

The SENCPS programs features excursions, hikes, table tennis and a multicultural singalong.  SENCPS co-organizer Fuyuki Ishikawa, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo is orchestrating a pre-Shonan meeting excursion to the spectacular Hakone region. To participate in the two-day Hakone excursion on Sat/Sun, Aug 19/20 please sign up here: On Wednesday afternoon, we will head by bus to the beautiful city of Kamakura including a dinner banquet. Kamakura is often described in history books as a former de facto capital of Japan because it was the seat of the Shogunate and Regency during the Kamakura period:,_Kanagawa.

As for outcomes of the SENCPS Shonan meeting, we hope that new connections and collaborations will result from our week together in Japan. One common way to facilitate collaboration beyond the workshop is to compile a book. Shonan is now actively promoting the idea of producing a book after a Shonan meeting. We will set time aside on Wed/Thu to discuss this idea. A common structure for such a book could be as follows: (1) an overview or roadmap chapter involving all the participants of the workshop; (2) a handful of chapters that discuss key topics of the workshop; and (3) selected chapters by individual groups. The self-adaptive systems community developed two such books recently as follows.

Useful links:

Action items and deadlines:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you at beautiful Shonan Village Center in Japan in August for a highly productive SENCPS Meeting.

Best wishes,

Hausi A. Müller, University of Victoria Canada
Fuyuki Ishikawa, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
Marin Litoiu, York University Canada

SENCPS 2017 Organizers

Category: 7-Welcome


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