No.069 Logic and Verification Methods in Security and Privacy


NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 069


Logic and verification methods are standard tools useful for reasoning in a formal way about programs. Tools and techniques based on logic have been used to prove software correct with respect to different requirements: functional correctness, resource consumption, integrity of data, etc. An area where the usefulness of these methods was observed early on is the one of security and privacy. Formal logic methods have been used for formally specifying security and privacy policies and models, and for verifying that programs respect them.

The overall goal of the meeting is to foster the discussion between researchers in academia and industry that are working in different areas of security and privacy, logic and verification. The common ground between the different participants will be the use of logic and verification methods for formally reasoning about the different aspects of security and privacy. On the application side, we aim at fostering the discussion around the different tools that are needed to reason about traditional and quantitative notion of security and privacy. On the theoretical side instead, we aim at fostering the discussion around common foundations for the different aspects of security and privacy. A further goal of the meeting is exploring the applicability of the most recent techniques developed in the setting of security and privacy to problem in different research areas.

Category: Uncategorized


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