No.031 Many-cores and On-chip Interconnects


NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 031

Executing safety-critical embedded applications on many-core systems (Yoneda)

We are working for an approach to executing safety-critical embedded applications dependably using redundancy available in many-core systems. In this approach, each task of applications is loaded in several processor cores, and usually two cores execute the same task simultaneously using the same
inputs. The results of the task are sent to an IO-core, and compared there. If a mismatch is found, the task is executed again, but using three cores, to find the correct results and a faulty core.
If a faulty core is successfully detected, it is excluded from the system, and tasks are continuously executed on a reconfigured system. This idea for dependable task execution is simple, but its implementation is not so straightforward. For example, how can we maintain and update the state variables of tasks for the temporary TMR execution, and how can the IO-core be implemented dependably?
How about maintaining real-time properties? We have suggestions for some of them, but there are still open issues. This talk will discuss these implementation issues for dependable task execution on many-core systems.

Category: Abstract


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