No.005 Automated Techniques for Higher-Order Program Verification


Shonan Meeting Seminar 005


Fritz Henglein ?? ? ?? ?????? (University of Copenhagen)
Kazuhiro Inaba ?? ??????? ? (Google)
Suresh Jagannathan ?? ?(Purdue University)
Thomas Jensen ?? ? ?? ? ? ? (INRIA)
Ranjit Jhala ?? ? ?? ???????????? (University of California, San Diego)
Neil D. Jones ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? (University of Cophenhagen)
Jean-Pierre Jouannaud ?? ?(LIX, Ecole Polytechnique)
Naoki Kobayashi?? ??? ? ?? (Tohoku University)
Martin Lester?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? (University of Oxford)
Jan Midtgaard ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? (Aarhus University)
Matthew Might ?? ? ?? ? ? ? (University of Utah)
Yasuhiko Minamide ?? ?(University of Tsukuba)
Andrzej Murawski ?? ? ?? (University of Leicester)
Keisuke Nakano ?? ???????? (University of Electro-Communications)
Robin Neatherway ?? ?? (University of Oxford)
Luke Ong?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? (University of Oxford)
Luca Paolini ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? (Università di Torino)
Steven Ramsay ?? ? ?? ? ?? (University of Oxford)
Tachio Terauchi ?? ???????? (Nagoya University)
Akihiko Tozawa ? ? ? ? ?? (IBM Research, Tokyo)
Takeshi Tsukada?????????? (Tohoku University)
Nikos Tzevelekos????????? (University of Oxford)
Hiroshi Unno ?? ??? ? ? ? ? ? (Tohoku University)
David Van Horn?? ? ? ?? ? ? (Northeastern University)
Dimitrios Vardoulakis ?? ?(Northeastern University)

Category: Participants


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