No.063 Semantics and Verification of Object-Oriented Languages


NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 063

Tachio Terauchi: Predicate Refinement Heuristics in Program Verification with CEGAR

Many of the modern program verifiers are based on the predicate abstraction with CEGAR method, The method looks for a sufficient inductive invariant to prove the given property of the given program by iteratively accumulating predicates that are obtained by analyzing spurious counterexamples, and predicate refinement heuristics like Craig interpolation are used for this purpose. In this talk, we overview our recent work on predicate refinement heuristics in CEGAR. Specifically, we show that a certain strategy for choosing predicates can guarantee the convergence of CEGAR at a modest cost. We also show that choosing small refinements guarantees fast convergence under certain conditions.


Category: Talks


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