No.050 Software Contracts for Communication, Monitoring, and Security


NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 050

Massimo Bartoletti: A theory of agreements and protection

We present a theory of contracts, interpreted as multi-player
concurrent games among competitive participants. The two key notions of
our model are that of agreement and protection. The agreement property is
a game-theoretic generalization of the notion of compliance typically
studied in session behaviours: a participant agrees on a contract if she
has a strategy to reach her goals (or make another participant chargeable
for a violation), whatever the moves of her adversaries. The protection
property is relevant when contract brokers are untrusted: a participant is
protected by a contract when she has a strategy to defend herself in all
possible contexts, even in those where she has not reached an agreement.

We show that, in a relevant class of contracts, agreements and protection
mutually exclude each other. We then propose a novel formalism for
modelling contractual obligations (event structures with circular
causality), which allows us to construct contracts which guarantee both
agreements and protection. Finally, we establish a correspondence between
game-theoretic contracts and Propositional Contract Logic, by showing that
winning strategies in game-theoretic contracts are related to proofs in
the logic.

Category: Talks


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