No.050 Software Contracts for Communication, Monitoring, and Security


NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 050

Asumu Takikawa: Practical Gradual Typing for Dynamic OO Languages

  Dynamically-typed OO languages have become a main staple of the practical
  programmer's toolkit. Once they build large systems in these languages,
  however, they realize that they want to equip their code with reliable
  type information for use in maintenance, documentation, and other software
  engineering tasks. While researchers have started to design gradual type systems
  to support these efforts, existing systems do not yet support the most
  dynamic features of these languages.

  In this talk, I present an OO extension of Typed Racket. Like most dynamically
  typed OO languages, Racket takes classes seriously and supports them as first-class
  run-time values. As a result, Racket programmers rely on idioms such as mixins
  that require first-class classes. My talk will explain how Typed Racket's
  expanded type system accommodates these idioms and how its type-to-contract
  compiler ensures the soundness of the boundaries between typed and untyped

Joint work with: Daniel Feltey, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Matthias Felleisen

Category: Talks


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